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Marketing Committee Meeting

February 9, 2016


5:30 pm Gathering

6:00 pm Call to order

  1. Marketing budget

     a. Total budget 2016

     b. Current line items

     c. Identify changes and commitments

  2. Core Issues

     a. Design Awards-Digital Submission & Display - file type, receiving site, review protocol

     b. Magazine - Review first issue

     c. Membership Dues - Standardize increases, publish

     d. Programs - Streamline, Advertise new education plan (3 hr. Ea., 4 per year)

     e. Conference - Theme, business support, vendor lunch & learns, keynote speaker.

  3. Adjournment (8:00 pm)


Attendance:  Jeff Budgel, Tom Harkin, Rick Gilmore, Jeff Whyte, Joanne Sullivan, Rob Harkey, Lisa Brooks