Marketing Committee Meeting


5:30 pm Gathering

6:00 pm Call to order


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1. Joanne to review toggl or other time management systems.

2. Joanne to prepare time allocation for the 4 Core Services from 2015 and time for everything else.

3. Letter to DA committee to go out before 4-15-16

4. Jeff Budgel to follow up DA letter with phone call.

5. New Membership increase program to be presented to the board on 4-19-16.

a. Three-year program 7.5% each year.

6. ¾ Program:  Joanne to research how to ablast so pictures are included without special download.

a. Identify new graphics, as national standard, to stand out from other mailings.

b. Identify timing for eblasts.

c. Include ¾ Program Logo and ¾ Program explanation on each communication.

d. Identify limits of which states receive ¾ Program and other CE Programs.

7. Set thresholds for chapter to receive CE programs and other services.

8. Conference

a. Identify current Conference marketing tasks.

b. Identify new ways to reach out and create awareness.

c. Current attendance is ~350, new goal is min. 400.

Agenda (updated 4-12-2016)

5:30 pm Gathering

6:00 pm Call to order

  1. Marketing budget

     a. Clarify tasks within budget.

     b. Project expenditures.

  2. Review staff time as it relates to our Core Services.  Identify how much staff time should be spent on Core Services vs. everything else.  (

  3. Core Services

     a. Design Awards-Review correspondence with DA committee.

     b. Membership - Review new Dues Policy for board presentation.

     c. CE Programs - Review ¾ Program marketing, review e-blast process - refine for better response

     d. Conference - Theme (!?!), Review vendor list, arch business vendors, marketing campaign.

  4. Magazine - tabled

  5. Branding (click here)

  5. Adjournment (8:00 pm)

April 12, 2016